| |  | Finncon 99 Programme |
Information last updated
These are the programme items that are held in English in Finncon 1999:
(Additions and changes are possible.)
Saturday 14.8.
- Guest of honour speech
- Connie Willis (IX 12.00)
- Philip Pullman's autograph session
- (XI 13.00)
- Connie Willis's autograph session
- (XIII 14.00)
- Philip Pullman's kaffeeklatsch
- (cafe 15.00)
- Star Wars fan gathering -- in Finnish, but you can probably find English-speaking fans here
- (room 215 15.00-)
- Finncons I vaguely remember... -- fan guest of honour speech
- Ahrvid Engholm (IX 16.00)
- Connie Willis question hour
- Johanna Sinisalo (X 17.00)
- Finncon party
- (Assari 20.00-)
Sunnuntai 15.8.
- The Path Through The Wood -- guest of honour speech
- Philip Pullman (IX 12.00)
- Connie Willis's kaffeeklatsch
- (cafe 13.00)
- Philip Pullman question hour
- Ben Roimola (X 14.00)
- Once Upon A Time In Fantasy -- how history relates to fantasy
- Johanna Vainikainen, Jukka Halme, Jack oaT.; Sari Polvinen, MA; Connie Willis, Philip Pullman (IX 15.00)
- Babylon 5 fan gathering -- English-speaking fans here for sure
- (room 215 15.00-)
- After Us the Future -- when does the future become reality?
- Kimmo Lehtonen, author; Connie Willis, Philip Pullman, Jari Kaivo-oja (IX 17.00)
The Party
The official Finncon party & masquerade is held at Assari,
very near the con site, on Saturday starting at 8 pm.
Admission is 20 marks, or 15 marks if you are in a (sci-fi) costume.
You are welcome to the party even if you can't come to the con itself!.